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2023 YUE HUA Americas Tour Audition

첨부 1

2023 YUE HUA Americas Tour Audition MAIN.jpg



In November, we are hosting the 2023 YUE HUA Americas Tour Audition to discover the next global star. Please participate a lot!

1. Application Period
9th October 2023 (MON) ~ 17th November 2023 (FRI)
(Until 2 days before the audition date. Different by the region)

2. Eligibility
Anyone born between 2005 ~ 2013
(regardless of gender and nationality)

3. How to Apply
(1) Pre-registration
- Scan the Poster QR code or click the profile link
- Submit the Google form application within the application period.
*Application deadline in the respective country is 2 days prior.

(2) On-site registration
Visit the audition venue within one hour from the audition time.

4. Application Method
After applying, detailed audition emails will be sent to all applicants, one 7 days before the audition date and another one day before the audition date. On the audition day, please visit the academy for real-time auditions.
* Multiple registrations are not allowed.

5. Audition Schedule
- 11/04/2023(Sat) New York, NY, U.S.
- 11/05/2023(Sun) Atlanta, GA, U.S.
- 11/11/2023(Sat) Dallas, TX, U.S.
- 11/11/2023(Sat) Bogotá D.C, COLOMBIA
- 11/12/2023(Sun) Chicago, IL, U.S.
- 11/12/2023(Sun) São Paulo, SP, BRAZIL
- 11/18/2023(Sat) Denver, CO, U.S.
- 11/19/2023(Sun) San Francisco, CA, U.S.
*Detailed schedules for each region will be released later.

6. Inquiry: audition@yhfamily.co.kr



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