연세대학교 MBA


친구를 찾아요. ( ㅈ ... 2022-04-05
네네치킨 2022-03-30
시황 2022-03-29
순위 닉네임 포인트
1위 lorenjo 52371점
2위 허나우도 25020점
3위 bonmario 21110점
4위 은행나무 20855점
5위 핵폭탄 16062점
6위 DAVIRHIE 11115점
7위 관리봇 9460점
8위 지아나 9085점
9위 한비 4835점
10위 uno 4805점

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<한국 여권으로 비자 없이 갈 수 있는 나라들>

한국 여권으로 비자 없이 갈 수 있는 나라들

대한민국 여권으로 비자 없이 여행할 수 있는 나라는 얼마나 될까? 미국 워싱턴포스트가 보도한 ‘세계에서 가장 영향력 있는 여권 순위’에 따르면, 1위 그룹에 속해 있는 미국과 영국에 이어 대한민국은 독일과 프랑스와 함께 2위 그룹에 속해 있다. 대한민국은 주요 선진국 및 G8 국가들과 비자면제가 체결되어 있고, 기타 대부분의 국가들과도 비자면제 협정 체결이 상당히 잘 되어 있는 편이다.  이하는 한국 여권이 있으면 비자를 발급 받을 필요없이 여권만으로 입국이 가능하거나 도착 즉시 비자를 발급 받을 수 있는 국가를 정리해 놓은 것으로, 여행을 계획하고 있는 사람들에게 도움이 될만한 정보인 것 같다.


비자 면제 및 도착즉시 비자 발급국


Andorra: Visa not required
Antigua and Barbuda: Visa not required / 1 month
Argentina: Visa not required / 90 days
Armenia: Visa on arrival / 120 days. Obtainable on arrival at Zvartnots International Airport or prior to travel online.
Australia Electronic Travel Authority / 90 days on each visit in 12 month period if granted
Austria Visa not required / 90 days within 180 days in the Schengen area


Bahamas: Visa not required / 3 months
Bahrain: Visa on arrival / 14 days
Bangladesh: Visa on arrival / 30 days. Not available at all entry points.
Barbados: Visa not required / 6 months
Belarus: Visa required / Visas can be issued on arrival at the Minsk International Airport if the support
ocuments were submitted not later than 3 business days before expected date of arrival.
Belgium: Visa not required / 90 days within 180 days in the Schengen area
Bolivia: Visa on arrival / 90 days
Bosnia and Herzegovina: Visa not required / 90 days within 180 days
Botswana: Visa not required / 90 days per year
Brazil: Visa not required / 90 days
Brunei: Visa not required / 30 days
Bulgaria: Visa not required / 90 days within 180 days
Burundi: Visa on arrival / 30 days. Not available at all entry points.


Cambodia: Visa on arrival / 30 days
Canada Visa: not required / 6 months
Cape Verde Visa not required
Chile: Visa not required / 90 days
China: Visa required / 72-hours visa free visit when in transit at Beijing, Chengdu, Chongqing, Dalian, Guangzhou, Guilin, Shanghai, Shenyang and Xi’an.
Colombia: Visa not required / up to 180 days
Comoros: Visa on arrival
Costa Rica: Visa not required / 90 days
Croatia: Visa not required / 90 days within 180 days
Cyprus: Visa not required / 90 days within 180 days
Czech Republic: Visa not required / 90 days within 180 days in the Schengen area


Denmark: Visa not required / 90 days within 180 days in the Schengen area
Djibouti: Visa on arrival / Not available at all entry points.
Dominica: Visa not required / 6 months
Dominican Republic: Visa not required / 90 days


Ecuador: Visa not required / 90 days
Egypt: Visa on arrival / 30 days
El Salvador: Visa not required / 3 months
Estonia: Visa not required / 90 days within 180 days in the Schengen area
Ethiopia: Visa on arrival


Fiji: Visa not required / 4 months
Finland: Visa not required / 90 days within 180 days in the Schengen area
France and territories: Visa not required / 90 days within 180 days in the Schengen area (in Regions of France)


Gambia: Entry clearance required Visa not required for 90 days but an entry clearance from the Gambian Immigration prior to travel must be obtained.
Georgia: Visa not required / 90 days within 180 days
Germany: Visa not required / 90 days within 180 days in the Schengen area, after every entry for 90 days if planned long term stay
Greece: Visa not required / 90 days within 180 days in the Schengen area
Grenada: Visa not required / 3 months
Guatemala: Visa not required / 90 days
Guinea-Bissau: Visa on arrival / 90 days
Guyana: Visa not required / 3 months


Haiti: Visa not required / 3 months
Honduras: Visa not required / 3 months
Hungary: Visa not required / 90 days within 180 days in the Schengen area


Iceland: Visa not required / 90 days within 180 days in the Schengen area
India: Visa on arrival / 30 days, obtainable at airports in Bengaluru, Chennai, Delhi, Kochi, Kolkata, Mumbai, Hyderabad and Thiruvananthapuram.
Indonesia: Visa on arrival / 30 days. Visa waiver for South Korean citizens formally announced by Indonesia Tourism Minister, on November 5, 2014, date of implementation starting January 2015.
Iran: Visa on arrival / 15 days
Ireland: Visa not required / 3 months
Israel: Visa not required / 3 months
Italy: Visa not required / 90 days within 180 days in the Schengen area


Jamaica: Visa not required / 30 days
Japan: Visa not required / 90 days
Jordan: Visa on arrival / Conditions apply. Not available at all entry points.


Kazakhstan: Visa not required / 30 days
Kenya: Visa on arrival / 3 months
Kiribati: Visa not required / 30 days
Kuwait: Visa on arrival / 3 months
Kyrgyzstan: Visa not required / 60 days


Laos: Visa not required / 15 days
Latvia: Visa not required / 90 days within 180 days in the Schengen area
Lebanon: Visa on arrival / 3 months. Not available at all entry points.
Lesotho: Visa not required / 30 days
Liberia: Visa not required
Liechtenstein: Visa not required / 90 days within 180 days in the Schengen area
Lithuania: Visa not required / 90 days within 180 days in the Schengen area
Luxembourg: Visa not required / 90 days within 180 days in the Schengen area


Macedonia: Visa not required / 90 days within 180 days
Madagascar: Visa on arrival / 90 days
Malawi: Visa on arrival
Malaysia: Visa not required / 90 days
Maldives: Visa on arrival / 30 days
Mali: Visa on arrival
Malta: Visa not required / 90 days within 180 days
Marshall Islands: Visa not required / 90 days
Mauritania: Visa on arrival
Mauritius: Visa not required / 90 days
Mexico: Visa not required / 180 days
Micronesia: Visa not required / 30 days
Moldova: Visa not required / 90 days within 180 days
Monaco: Visa not required
Montenegro: Visa not required / 90 days within 180 days
Morocco: Visa not required / 3 months
Mozambique: Visa on arrival / 30 days, conditions apply
Myanmar: eVisa 28 days. eVisa holders must arrive via Yangon, Nay Pyi Taw or Mandalay airports. Also visa on arrival for 28 days, if arriving from Siem Reap, Guangzhou or Phnom Penh on MAI.


Nauru: Visa not required / 14 days
Nepal: Visa on arrival / 90 days
Netherlands: Visa not required / 90 days within 180 days in the Schengen area (European Netherlands)
New Zealand: Visa not required / 90 days
Nicaragua: Visa not required / 90 days
Norway: Visa not required / 90 days within 180 days in the Schengen area


Oman: Visa on arrival / 30 days


Pakistan: Visa required / Visa on arrival when travelling on business valid for 30 days. Conditions apply. Visa on arrival when travelling as part of a group through a designated tour operator.
Palau: Visa on arrival 30 days
Panama: Visa not required / 180 days
Papua New Guinea: Visa on arrival / 60 days
Paraguay: Visa not required / 90 days
Peru: Visa not required / up to 183 days
Philippines: Visa not required / 30 days
Poland: Visa not required / 90 days within 180 days in the Schengen area
Portugal: Visa not required / 90 days within 180 days in the Schengen area


Qatar: Visa on arrival / 1 month


Romania: Visa not required / 90 days within 180 days
Russia: Visa not required / 60 days


Saint Kitts and Nevis: Visa not required / 3 months
Saint Lucia: Visa not required / 6 weeks
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Visa not required / 1 month
Samoa: Entry Permit on arrival / 60 days
San Marino: Visa not required
Serbia: Visa not required / 90 days within 180 days
Seychelles: Visitor’s Permit on arrival / 1 month
Singapore: Visa not required / 90 days
Slovakia: Visa not required / 90 days within 180 days in the Schengen area
Slovenia: Visa not required / 90 days within 180 days in the Schengen area
Solomon Islands: Visitor’s permit on arrival / 3 months
Somalia: Visa on arrival / As of 2014, due to safety concerns, South Korean government bans its citizens from visiting Somalia.
South Africa: Visa not required / 30 days
Spain: Visa not required / 90 days within 180 days in the Schengen area
Sri Lanka: Electronic Travel Authorization / 30 days
Suriname: Visa not required / 30 days
Swaziland: Visa not required / 30 days
Sweden: Visa not required / 90 days within 180 days in the Schengen area
Switzerland: Visa not required / 90 days within 180 days in the Schengen area


Tajikistan: Visa on arrival / 45 days
Tanzania: Visa on arrival
Thailand: Visa not required / 3 months
Timor-Leste: Visa on arrival -30 days. Not available at all entry points.
Togo: Visa on arrival / 7 days
Tonga: Visa on arrival / 31 days
Trinidad and Tobago: Visa not required / 90 days
Tunisia: Visa not required / 90 days
Turkey: Visa not required / 3 months
Tuvalu: Visa on arrival / 1 month


Uganda: Visa on arrival / 3 months
Ukraine: Visa not required / 90 days
United Arab Emirates: Visa on arrival / 1 month
United Kingdom: Visa not required / 6 months
United States: Visa Waiver Program / 90 days on arrival from overseas for 2 years, ESTA (if arriving by air or cruise ship.[202]) and a biometric passport required.
Uruguay: Visa not required / 30 days


Vanuatu: Visa not required / 30 days
Vatican City: Visa not required
Venezuela: Visa not required / 90 days
Vietnam: Visa not required / 15 days


Zambia: Visa on arrival / 90 days
Zimbabwe: Visa on arrival / 3 months



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